OUR STORY BEGINS in the mountainous fields of Southern Italy in the year 1927, when Luigi Spedaliere met Anna Paulozza during the olive harvest. Over the years, the couple’s love blossomed and in 1934 they were married. Soon after, war broke out in Europe and Luigi left to serve in the army. Concerned for his new bride’s well-being in his absence, Luigi purchased several pieces of land for olive farming as a source of income. Fortunately, Luigi returned from the war several years later to his beloved Anna. The two then immediately started a family and went on to have five beautiful children!
When times became tough in Southern Italy after the war, Luigi and Anna decided to emigrate to Canada in the hopes of a better life for their growing family. In Canada, the Spedaliere family grew and prospered. Their son, Vincent married and started a family of his own with two boys and a girl. The two boys were fascinated by their grandparents’tales of the old country. As young adults, their curiosity about their roots piqued and they decided to begin the journey of reviving the story of their heritage with the start of Louianna.